July 2, 2018 City Council Home Rule Charter
Public Hearing and Input Minutes
4:15 P.M.
A Home Rule Charter Public Hearing and Input meeting of the City Council of the City of International Falls, Minnesota, was held in the Council Chambers of the Municipal Building on the 2nd day of July, 2018 at the hour of 4:15 P.M.
MEMBERS PRESENT: Councilors Briggs, Droba, Jaksa, and Mayor Anderson.
MEMBERS ABSENT: Councilor Pearson
STAFF PRESENT: Kenneth Anderson, City Administrator
Adam Mannausau, Fire Chief
Kelly Meyers, Building Official
Emma Rud, Administration Support Specialist
Steve Shermoen, City Attorney
Presentation of proposed City of International Falls Home Rule Charter changes,
Kenneth R. Anderson, City Administrator.
- City Council questions/comments.
- Public input/questions/comments.
Close the public hearing or recess to continue at a future date.
Presentation of proposed City of International Falls Home Rule Charter changes | City Administrator Anderson handed out the ordinance with revisions that are being proposed to the Home Rule Charter as recommended by the Charter Commission. The Mayor led the City Council through a review of the proposed language changes section by section. |
City Council questions/comments | Councilor Jaksa explained her concerns with several of the language changes proposed in the Home Rule Charter. She offered suggestions for revisions and felt there were additional changes that needed to be made, including references to the Health Officer and Board of Health, before the Charter revisions should be approved. |
Public input/questions/comments | Mayor Anderson welcomed comments from the audience, of which there were none. |
CLOSED the public hearing |
There being no further public comment, Mayor Anderson closed the public input meeting and hearing at 4:44 P.M. Mayor Anderson further explained the First Reading of the Ordinance amending the Home Rule Charter, would be on the July 2, 2018 regular meeting agenda for action by the City Council. |
ADJOURNMENT | Mayor Anderson adjourned the meeting at 4:44 P.M. |
ATTEST: Robert W. Anderson, Mayor
Kenneth R. Anderson, City Administrator