September 26, 2018 Special Meeting City Council Minutes

September 26, 2018 Special Meeting

City Council Minutes

1:35 P.M.

A special meeting of the City Council of International Falls, Minnesota was held in the Council Chambers of the Municipal Building on the 26th day of September 2018 at the hour of 1:35 P.M.

MEMBERS PRESENT:     Councilors Droba, Jaksa, Krause, and Mayor Anderson

MEMBERS ABSENT:     Councilor Briggs

APPROVED Financial Services Agreement with Northland Securities, Inc. and authorized signatures MOTION by Councilor Jaksa to approve a Financial Services Agreement with Northland Securities, Inc. and authorize signatures. Motion seconded by Councilor Droba and carried unanimously.
APPROVED Reduction in proposed budget to set a levy increase of nine percent (9%) for taxes collective in 2019 The City Administrator briefly reviewed the packet materials and the proposed budget changes since the last Budget and Finance Committee meeting. The City Council reviewed the outline in Exhibit A to the resolution of approval. Much discussion ensued highlighting the difficulties in finding sufficient funds for certain items such as finding enough funding to pay for street and other infrastructure needs.

MOTION by Councilor Jaksa to approve the 2019 Preliminary Budget with a proposed levy increase of 10.0% for a total increase of $256,098. The Mayor called for a second to the motion three times. Motion dies due to lack of a second. Further discussion ensued about the need to cut funding requests of other entities in addition to the cuts proposed to City departments that provide essential public works and emergency services to citizens.

MOTION by Councilor Jaksa to approve the 2019 Preliminary Budget with a proposed levy increase at 9.0% for a total increase of $230,488. Motion seconded by Councilor Droba. MOTION TO AMEND by Councilor Droba to approve the 2019 Preliminary Budget with a proposed levy increase of 9.0% for a total increase of $230,488, with additional revenue of $100,000 coming from the General Fund reserves, $19,400 being cut from appropriations to other organizations, and the remaining $587,397 tentatively scheduled to be cut from the Permanent Improvement Fund budget. Motion to amend seconded by Councilor Krause. The proposed expenditure reductions result in a preliminary levy of $2,791,464. This amount is an increase of $230,488 (9.0%) over the levy approved for the 2018 budget. Motion on the amendment passed 3-1, with Councilors Droba, Jaksa, and Krause voting “yea” and Mayor Anderson voting “nay”. The original motion passed 3-1, with Councilors Droba, Jaksa, and Krause voting “yea” and Mayor Anderson voting “nay”.

ADOPTED The Amended Resolution No. 54-18 Approving The Preliminary Budget And Property Tax Levy For Taxes Collectible In 2019 And Setting The Final Budget And Levy Public Input Meeting MOTION by Councilor Droba to adopt the Resolution No. 54-18 approving the Preliminary Budget and Property Tax Levy for taxes collectible in 2019 and setting the final budget and levy public input meeting for Monday, December 3, 2018 at 6:00 P.M. The approval of the final budget and levy will be considered December 17, 2018. Motion seconded by Councilor Krause. The Administrator explained that the approved resolution will include the City Council revised amounts from this meeting. Motion carried unanimously.
ADJOURNMENT Mayor Robert W. Anderson adjourned the meeting at 2:54



Robert W. Anderson, Mayor



Kenneth R. Anderson, City Administrator

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