July 20, 2020 REVISED City Council Meeting Agenda



City of International Falls – City Council Regular Meeting

5:30 P.M., Monday, July 20, 2020

Council Chamber, 600 Fourth Street


Mn Statute 13D.021 allows meetings to be conducted by telephone or other electronic means under the following conditions:

  1. The Mayor determined an in-person meeting or a meeting conducted under section 13D.02 is not

practical because of a health pandemic.

  1. The Mayor and all Councilors participating in the meeting can hear one another and can hear all


  2. Attendance by the public is not feasible due to the health pandemic.
  3. At least one member of the City Council is physically present at the regular meeting, unless

unfeasible due to the health pandemic.

  1. All votes are conducted by roll call so each members’ vote on each issue can be identified and



Remote access has been set up for this meeting scheduled to be held on July 20, 2020 at 5:30 P.M.

Dial-in phone number: 1-646-876-9923

Meeting number (access code): 3604982796    



Joining by computer:

  1. Go to the URL: https://zoom.us/j/3604982796
  2. Follow on-screen instructions


Joining by Smart Phone app:

  1. Install the Zoom app for Android or iPhone.
  2. Start the app.
  3. Enter the meeting ID: 3604982796

Joining by landline or mobile phone:

  1. Dial in to the following number:


  2. When prompted, enter the following meeting ID: 3604982796
  3. There is no participant ID, so just enter the # key.

When you join the conference, you will be automatically muted.

  • To un-mute yourself, press “*6” (star 6)
  • To mute yourself, press “*6” (star 6)


If you have any questions or need assistance, contact Todd Ojala at: 218-283-7987 toddo@ci.international-falls.mn.us



TO THE AGENDA (only by unanimous consent).



  1. Minutes of the Monday, July 6, 2020 regular City Council meeting (Council action)



  1. Adopt Resolution No. __-20, Approving Transfers, Payment of Claims and Accounts Payable (Council action)


AUDIENCE – OPEN FORUM (The Open Forum is an opportunity for the audience to address the City Council on any matter not listed on the agenda. Please limit your comments to five minutes.)




  1. Second and final reading of Contract Ordinance #970, Award bid for Library steam to hot water heating system conversion to Shannon’s Plumbing and Heating, Inc. in the amount of $214,400.00 (Council action)




The Consent Agenda allows the City Council to take action on routine matters by one motion that shall not be debated and shall be adopted by unanimous vote of those present. Any individual Council member may remove an item from the Consent Agenda for discussion on the regular agenda. (Council action)

  1. Approve appointment of Shaila Spry family to serve as City Beach Camp Host July through Labor Day weekend
  2. Approve Fun Food Factory vendor use of Smokey Bear Park during mill shut-down, tentatively October 5 – 17, 2020



  1. Adopt Resolution No. __-20, Authorizing Transfer of Certain Sewer Lines and Facilities from the North Koochiching Area Sanitary District to the City of International Falls and authorize signatures (Council action)
  2. Adopt Resolution No.
    -20 Limited Use Permit Agreement with MnDOT for Shared Use Path in the Highway 53 Right of Way (Council action)
  3. Adopt Resolution No. __-20, Approve Road Maintenance Agreement between County of Koochiching and City of International Falls effective July 1, 2020 (Council action)
  4. Resolution No.
    -20 approving application to conduct off-site gambling for the Ranier Recreation Club on August 14, 2020 at the Elks Lodge #1599 (Council action)
  5. Consider acquisition of State Fire Marshal’s used 2015 Dodge Ram 2500 Crew Cab Pickup by purchase or use of Chemical Assessment Team (CAT) annual reimbursement proceeds, Chief Mannausau (Council action)
  6. Authorize advertising a Request for Proposal (RFP) seeking professional services to install communications equipment for conducting broadcast/video teleconferencing/remote meetings in the Council Chambers using CARES Act proceeds (Council action)
  7. Consider increase in pay for Election Judges to $13.00 per hour for the 2020 primary and general elections using CARES Act proceeds (Council action)
  8. Any other business.



  1. Reports of the Administrator, Attorney, and Department Heads
    1. Police Monthly Report, June 2020 (Council information)
    2. Fire/Rescue/EMS Monthly Report, June 2020 (Council information)
    3. 2nd Quarter 2020 Permit Report, Building Official/Zoning Administrator (Council information)
  2. Reports of the Mayor, Council Committees, Boards and Commissions





  • July 8, 2020 – International Falls Public Library Board of Trustees meeting packet
  • July 9, 2020 – Four Minnesota Communities Awarded Infrastructure Grants, DEED Media
  • July 9, 2020 – Letter of support for Alexander Baker building application for funding



  1. Public Hearing on petition by Northern Border Investments, LLC, to vacate alley in Block 4, Franson’s Addition (former TeePee Motel block) on Monday, July 27, 2020 at 5:30 P.M.
  2. Next regular City Council meeting is Monday, August 3, 2020 at 5:30 P.M.



Note: Matters inappropriate for consideration at the meeting or not in the order specified shall not be considered except 1) with the unanimous consent of the members of the City Council, or 2) scheduled public hearings or bid lettings, but not before the time stated in the notice.


The City of International Falls complies with the Americans with Disability Act. Individuals with disabilities requiring special aids should contact the City Administrator, 600 Fourth Street, International Falls, MN, 56649, 218-283-9484, at least 48 hours prior to the scheduled meeting


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