June 28, 2021 Public Hearing and Special City Council Meeting Agenda


Public Hearing and Special City Council Meeting Agenda

 Proposed Modification of Development District No. 1 and the establishment of

Tax Increment Financing (TIF) District 1-4 within the Development District

 5:00 P.M., Monday, June 28, 2021

Council Chamber, 600 Fourth Street, International Falls, MN  56649

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  1. Introductory comments and explanation of purpose for public hearing, Mayor Droba.
  2. Jessica Green, Northland Securities
    1. Memo from Northland
    2. Draft TIF plan
  3. City Council questions/comments
  4. Public input/questions/comments
  5. Close the public hearing (Council action-motion).
  6. Adopt Resolution No. ___ -2021 establishing Tax Increment Financing (TIF) Housing District No. 1-4 (Council action)
  7. Adopt Resolution No. ___ -2021 authorizing Interfund Loan for advance of certain costs in connection with Tax Increment Financing (TIF) District No. 1-4 (Council action)
  8. Adopt Resolution No. ___ -2021 consenting to the process for the creation of a Housing Tax Increment Financing (TIF) District in support of the proposed Alexander Banker Limited Partnership Housing Project (Council action)


The City of International Falls complies with the Americans with Disability Act.  Individuals with disabilities requiring special aids should contact the City Administrator, 600 Fourth Street, International Falls, MN, 56649, 218-283-9484, at least 48 hours prior to the scheduled meeting.

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