November 15, 2021 City Council Minutes

A regular meeting of the City Council of the City of International Falls, Minnesota was held in the Council Chambers of the Municipal Building on the 15th day of November, 2021 at the hour of 5:30 P.M.

MEMBERS PRESENT:       Councilors Buller, Ditsch, and Mayor Droba.

MEMBERS ABSENT:         Councilors Holden and Krause.

APPROVED agenda with additional accounts payable as presented MOTION by Councilor Ditsch to approve the agenda with additional accounts payable as presented by the City Administrator.  Motion seconded by Councilor Buller and carried unanimously.
APPROVED minutes of the November 1, 2021 regular City Council meeting MOTION by Councilor Buller to approve minutes of the regular City Council meeting of November 1, 2021.  Motion seconded by Councilor Ditsch and carried unanimously.
ADOPTED Resolution No. 75-2021 approving transfers, payment of claims, and accounts payable MOTION by Councilor Ditsch to adopt Resolution No. 75-2021 approving transfers, payment of claims and accounts payable for the second monthly City Council meeting.  Motion seconded by Councilor Buller and carried unanimously.


Adam McIntyre Painting Painting Doors – South Falls Post Office      4,805.00 72217
All Season Equipment Inc Trailer Parts, Tires – Police/Fire      1,236.27 72218
Amazon Capital Services Masks – COVID Supplies – Police/Admin         158.75 72219
Aramark Uniform & Career App Cleaning Service    1,045.93 72220
Arrowhead EMS Association Annual Membership Fee         170.00 72221
ATCO International Duster         129.40 72222
Badiuk Equipment Inc Maintenance – Fire Boat         270.23 72223
Bolton & Menk Inc Asset Mgmt/Cap. Improve Plan-WP, Lift Stat    11,270.00 72224
Border Boxes Shipping – Fire/Water Plant         144.25 72225
Bound Tree Medical LLC Ambulance Supplies         196.88 72226
Bowman Asphalt Products Inc Pay Est. 5 2021 Local Street Improvements  118,543.34 72227
Bowman Construction Co Debris at Water Tower    44,016.00 72228
Cenex Voyager Fleet Gas-Grnds/Pol/Str/House/Amb/Wtr/Wtr Plnt      4,187.54 72229
CherryRoad Media Inc. Agendas/Minutes/Proclamations         862.50 72230
Chocolate Moose Restaurant Co Crew Meals           39.14 72231
City of Ranier Water – City Beach           11.55 72232
Costin Group Inc Gov’t Relations – Kerry Park      2,000.00 72233
Crandall’s Septic Pumping Portable Johns – City Parks         625.00 72234
Department of Veterans Affairs Ambulance Overpayment Refund      1,488.32 72235
Display Sales LED Lights     4,123.50 72236
Earl Boyum Waste Tires         166.00 72237
Electric Pump Inc Liftstation – Van Lynn    2,599.75 72238
Expert Billing LLC Ambulance Transports      2,668.00 72239
Fairchild Sign No Parking – Temp Police Order Signs      1,112.50 72240
Falls Lumber Company Maint-Planters, Mailbox Signs, Sup – St Lght         105.92 72241
Flaherty & Hood, Pa Job Class & Compensation Study         145.00 72242
Forestland Sales & Service Propane – Fire           44.22 72243
Friend’s Garbage Service LLC Monthly Garbage Service     1,740.96 72244
Frontier Monthly Telephone Service     2,466.22 72245
Galls, an Aramark Co., LLC Clothing – Ambulance/Lessard/Gedde/Mastin         896.72 72246
Gopher State One – Call Monthly Billing         202.50 72247
Hawkins Inc Chemicals     1,925.66 72248
Innovative Office Solutions LLC Supplies – Bldg Off/Admin/Water Admin         762.92 72249
Kantor Electric Inc 4th St Parking Lot    15,402.35 72250
KGHS/KSDM Fire Prevention Week Ads         480.00 72251
KGM Contractors Inc Miscellaneous Patching Work    82,090.00 72252
Koerter’s Amoco Gas-Grnd/Str/Gar/Str Lght/P&R/Wtr/Sew/Pol      4,571.63 72254
Kooch Co Env Services Dept. Tipping Fee – Street           27.00 72255
Kooch County Sheriff’s Office Do Bid Vehicle Ads         112.50 72256
L & L Constructors Inc 2021 Miscellaneous Concrete Work    78,365.50 72257
Curtis Blue Line Clothing Allowance – Ballejo           25.00 72258
Lawson Products Inc Supplies – Electrical     1,563.13 72259
Linde Gas & Equipment Inc. Oxygen – Ambulance         982.72 72260
LMC Insurance Trust – WC Challeen/Hilfer Deductible         448.97 72261
Mannco Trucking Inc Parts/Supplies – Street/Garage      1,218.01 72262
Marco – LEC Contract/Print Copies – Police         246.71 72263
Mark Rock & Concrete Crusher Fines     3,331.16 72264
Menards International Falls Tools/Sup/MRB-Str/VNP/St Lght/Strm/P&R         485.14 72265
Midcontinent Communications Internet – Water Plant         230.00 72266
Midwest Playscapes Inc City Beach Playground    26,861.51 72267
Minnesota Energy Resources Utilities         857.25 72268
Minnesota Industries Gloves/Safety Equipment – Water/Street         319.03 72269
Minnesota Power Utilities   31,404.17 72270
MN State Fire Dept. Assoc. Membership Dues         375.00 72271
N Kooch Area Sanitary District Effluent/Backwash/Surcharge    91,877.79 72272
NAPA Falls Supply Parts/Tools/Lube – Fire/Water/Street           92.15 72273
Northern Lumber & Hardware Sup/Main-Str/Gar/Elec/P&R/Wtr/San/Strm         510.25 72274
Office of MNIT Services Wide Area Network(Wan) Services        267.73 72275
On2 Solutions Street Lighting – Cap Project     6,000.00 72276
O’Reilly Automotive Inc Lub/Sup/Part/Maint-Str/Gar/Grnds/VNP/Fire     2,532.40 72277
Orton Oil Company Gas – Grounds           24.78 72278
PCA Weigh Scale Ticket             4.00 72279
Pelland Welding, Inc. Parts – Street/Water Plant        521.61 72280
R&R Specialties of Wisconsin Maintenance – Kerry Park Arena    11,062.15 72281
Rainy Lake Medical Center Medical Supplies         332.49 72282
Rainy Lake Oil Kerry Park, Maint Repair Equip – Street         827.55 72283
Range Paper Corp Cleaning Supplies – VNP/Street     1,113.74 72284
Roche’s Towing Towing – Police           80.00 72285
Ronning’s Clothing Allowance – J Mastin         313.36 72286
Scalzo Architects 2045 – Locker RM/Lunch RM City Garage         277.50 72287
ServiceMaster of Intl Falls Library Floors      3,348.30 72288
Small Town Tech Inc IT/Communication Council Troubleshooting         170.00 72289
Streicher’s Inc Clothing Allowance – M Kostiuk         234.97 72290
Tanner Bombenger Travel Expense        292.04 72291
UCARE Ambulance  Overpayment Refund         966.82 72292
UHL Company Inc Bldg Maint – VNP         841.38 72293
Viking Electric Supply Inc Supplies – Street Lighting             4.74 72294
Wagner Construction Inc Ready Mix, Pay Est 3-Hwy Lane/22nd St 600,461.67 72295
Wherley Motors Inc 2020 Ford Explorer – Police           40.88 72298
William Tomczak Safety Boot Allowance         110.00 72299
Xerox Corporation Maintenance/Monthly Charge – Water Plant           49.19 72300
Brian Jespersen Police Benefit         150.00 72321
Brian Youso Police Benefit         150.00 72322
City of Int’l Falls – Fund 401 Water/Sewer Funds Transfer   66,666.66 72323
City of Int’l Falls – Fund 403 Water/Sewer Funds Transfer    25,760.42 72324
Michael Musich Police Benefit         150.00 72325
Terry Christie Police Benefit         150.00 72326
Terry Wood Police Benefit         150.00 72327
Tom Lynch Police Benefit         150.00 72328
Willi Kostiuk Police Benefit         150.00 72329
The following checks were issued under blanket authorization:
AFLAC Supplemental Insurance 225.04 101160
AllState – American Heritage Supplemental Insurance 9.64 101161
Bremer Bank NA Federal Withholding 39,003.10 101162
I.U.O.E. Local Central Pen Fund Retirement 4,373.90 101163
City of Int’l Falls HRA – Police/Fire 520.00 101164
City of Int’l Falls Health Insurance – 49ers 404.00 101165
IAMAW District W33 Union Dues 1,707.00 101166
Intl Falls Ambulance Service Dues 168.00 101167
I.U.O.E. Local 49ers Health Reimbursement 910.00 101168
Justin Franz, Sec/Treas C.O.P.S 120.00 101169
MN Child Support Pmt Center Wage Assignment 614.39 101170
MN Department of Revenue State Withholding 7,410.09 101171
Empower Retirement Deferred Comp 9,313.00 101172
PERA Life Insurance 112.00 101173
North Kooch Area San Dist Health Insurance 425.00 101174
PERA Retirement 34,512.20 101175
United Way of NE MN Employee Donation 15.00 101176


AUDIENCE Lois Lundin, 2222 3rd Avenue East, addressed the Council regarding the Kerry Park Masterplan.  Ms. Lundin questioned the ongoing, long-term maintenance and operational costs of a facility such as this and asked when the public would be made knowledgeable of said costs.

Mayor Droba explained that Isaac Sports Group (“ISG”) is currently working to determine these ongoing costs she explained, as well as how much the City would need to charge for daycare, ice time, kitchen rentals, and more to make this feasible.  Mayor Droba pointed to the fact that this would be a multi-use facility that would be used year-round, as opposed to the current arena that has limited uses and is only seasonally used.

Ms. Lundin in her capacity as the Director of the Backus Community Center welcomed the Mayor and Council to utilize the Backus Community Center to host a public hearing and input meeting where it can do a more formalized presentation to the public on the Kerry Park project.   Mayor Droba thanked Ms. Lundin and stated that the City is happy to host a presentation once the City has a full grasp on costs to answer the public’s questions.

REMOVED from the Table and APPROVED Snow & Ice Policies


MOTION by Councilor Buller to remove from the Table the item to consider a recommendation from Committee-of-the-Whole to approve Snow & Ice Policies.  Motion seconded by Councilor Ditsch and carried unanimously.

City Administrator Bergstrom explained that the proposed Snow & Ice Policies have been in the works for several years.  These Snow & Ice Policies compile and consolidate existing City ordinances and rules, as well as state regulations on snow and ice removal into one easily accessible document.  It was stressed that these are not new rules, but most are either existing City Ordinances that have not been strongly enforced in the past or are state statutes.  City Administrator Bergstrom noted there is a sample violation letter enclosed for information and explains that violations in 2021-2022 will receive strictly a warning and no administrative fines.  The goal is to use this as an informational and educational period for the public on expectations for snow and ice removal, with the intention of beginning administrative fines in the winter of 2022-2023.

MOTION by Councilor Ditsch to approve the Snow & Ice Policies, as presented.  Motion seconded by Councilor Buller.  Councilor Buller noted that he liked that the City is using this winter (2021-2022) as an education period for the public, with no fines being imposed until next winter (2022-2023).  Motion carried unanimously.

CONSENT AGENDA: APPROVED as presented MOTION by Councilor Buller to approve the Consent Agenda as presented:


1. Approve 2022 license renewals, as presented

·         Cine 5, Inc – restaurant license and theater license

·         Coffee Landing Café – restaurant license

·         Curb Appeal Lawn Care – snowplow license

·         D&S Pizza Inc dba Domino’s Pizza – restaurant license

Motion seconded by Councilor Ditsch and carried unanimously.

APPROVED land transfer agreement between City of International Falls and KOOTASCA Community Action, Inc. City Attorney Shermoen noted that the City of International Falls and KOOTASCA are 42 years into a 100-year lease.  This agreement will allow the building to change ownership with no money changing hands.  It was noted that KOOTASCA wants to make modifications to the building, but only as the owner of the property, not as a tenant.

MOTION by Councilor Ditsch to approve the land transfer agreement between the City of International Falls and KOOTASCA Community Action, Inc.  Motion seconded by Councilor Buller.

Councilors noted that by transferring ownership to KOOTASCA, this will allow the building to go back on the tax roll.

Motion carried unanimously.

APPROVED renewal of maintenance contract with Stryker ProCare Services for the four Physio LP15 monitors and authorized signatures MOTION by Councilor Buller to approve renewing the maintenance contract with Stryker ProCare Services for the four Physio LP15 monitors and authorize signatures.  Motion seconded by Councilor Ditsch and carried unanimously.
Public Works meeting recommendations:  
a.      APPROVED design and engineering services for Water Plant Variable Frequency Drives (VFD) to the high service pumps from Bolton & Menk payable from American Rescue Plan Act funding MOTION by Councilor Buller to approve the design and engineering services for Water Plant Variable Frequency Drives (VFD) to the high service pumps from Bolton & Menk payable from American Rescue Plan Act funding.  Motion seconded by Councilor Ditsch.

Director of Public Works Brokaw noted that this past summer the current pumps were coming on several times a day due to the City operating off just one water tank.  The pumps were sending abrupt shocks to the system, which caused many of the water breaks the City experienced over the summer.  Director Brokaw explained that the new VFDs will help prevent water breaks as they have a slow soft start that does not abruptly shock the system.

Motion carried unanimously.

b.      APPROVED requesting quotes for installation of Variable Frequency Drives (VFD) to the high service pumps at the Water Plant payable from American Rescue Plan Act funding MOTION by Councilor Ditsch to approve requesting quotes for installation of Variable Frequency Drives (VFD) to the high service pumps at the Water Plant payable from American Rescue Plan Act funding.  Motion seconded by Councilor Buller and carried unanimously.
c.       APPROVED specialty/professional services quote from Midco Diving & Marine Services, Inc., to inspect the Water plant intake in the Rainy River payable from American Rescue Plan Act funding MOTION by Councilor Buller to approve the specialty/professional services quote from Midco Diving & Marine Services, Inc., to inspect the Water Plant intake in the Rainy River payable from American Rescue Plan Act funding. Motion seconded by Councilor Ditsch.

Director of Public Works Brokaw explained that it has been over fifteen (15) years since the Water Plant intake was inspected and it should be routinely done every five to six (5-6) years.  Director Brokaw noted that this is a part of the City’s 5-year Capital Improvement Plan (CIP).

Motion carried unanimously.

APPROVED year 2022 license renewals that may include tobacco and/or liquor applications, as presented MOTION by Councilor Ditsch to approve year 2022 license renewals that may include tobacco and/or liquor applications, as presented.

  • DG Retail, LLC dba Dollar General Store #15619 – cigarette license
  • Koerter’s Inc dba Koerter’s Fuel & Car Wash – cigarette license and gasoline pumps license
  • Super One Foods – cigarette license, restaurant license, and 3.2 off sale license
  • VFW, Peter Graham #2948 – pool table license, club license, gambling license, restaurant license, Sunday liquor license, and juke box license

Motion seconded by Councilor Buller and carried unanimously.


Reports of the Administrator, Attorney, and Department Heads

City Attorney Shermoen stated he had forty (40) criminal cases for the City in court today, including several blight cases that resulted in guilty pleas.  City Attorney Shermoen stated he is still working on bargaining unit contract negotiations.

Sherri Stensland, HR/Safety Director, stated she is working on OSHA requirements for the City of International Falls as an employer of over 100 people to have a COVID policy in place regarding vaccinations.  Ms. Stensland explained the options the City has and further explained that they may have to call a special City Council meeting before December 6, 2021 due to tight timelines set by OSHA for implementing said policy.  Ms. Stensland noted that there are currently lawsuits pending that could delay any action the City is required to take under these OSHA requirements.

The October 2021 International Falls Police Department Activity Report was available for review.

The October 2021 Fire/Rescue/EMS Department written report was available for review.

Reports of Mayor and Council Committees Mayor Droba noted that the Council received an email request from Servants of Shelter to have a designee from the Council listen to a presentation on the services they provide.  Mayor Droba stated that during his Florida vacation he attended a Daytona Beach City Council meeting that addressed many issues similar to those in International Falls including annexation, vacant buildings, housing planners, and other projects they are unsure whether they will come to fruition.  Mayor Droba noted that the parallels show that no matter how far one travels, communities face many of the same issues.
ADJOURNMENT Mayor Droba stated that the next regular City Council meeting is scheduled for Monday, December 6, 2021 at 5:30 P.M., with the Truth-in-Taxation Public Hearing and Input Meeting following at 6:00 P.M.  The Mayor adjourned the meeting at 6:30 P.M.

Harley M. Droba, Mayor


Betty Bergstrom, City Administrator

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