February 18, 2025 City Council Minutes

A regular meeting of the City Council of the City of International Falls, Minnesota was held in the Council Chambers of the Municipal Building on the 18th day of February 2025 at the hour of 5:30 P.M.

MEMBERS PRESENT:  Mayor Dill and Councilors Buller, Holden, Kalar and Wegner.


APPROVED agenda as presented MOTION by Councilor Holden to approve the agenda as presented.  Motion seconded by Councilor Wegner and carried unanimously.
APPROVED the following meeting minutes, as presented


MOTION by Councilor Kalar to approve the following meeting minutes:

·         Minutes of the Monday, February 3, 2025, regular City Council meeting

·         Minutes of the Monday, February 10, 2025, Committee-of-the-Whole meeting

Motion seconded by Councilor Buller and carried unanimously.

ADOPTED Resolution No. 15-2025 approving transfers, payment of claims, and accounts payable MOTION by Councilor Kalar to adopt Resolution No. 15-2025 approving transfers, payment of claims, and accounts payable.  Motion seconded by Councilor Holden and carried unanimously.


A Plus Pest Management LLC Pest Control       551.49 80445
Adam Mannausau Meal Allowance         80.00 80446
Align Chiropractic & Wellness Random DOT Drug & Alcohol Testing         35.00 80447
Amazon Capital Services Sup-Police         19.94 80448
American Water Works Assoc Membership Dues         83.00 80449
Aqua-Pure Inc Quarterly Service    1,000.00 80450
Automatic Systems Co SCADA Improvements    2,910.00 80451
Axon Enterprises Inc Pro License Bundle  12,180.16 80452
Barnum Companies Inc M&R-VNP       518.88 80453
Becker Arena Products Inc Flooding Hose       319.44 80454
Ben Mortenson Meal Allowance         80.00 80455
Border Boxes Shipping-Water Plant       180.75 80456
Bound Tree Medical LLC Ambulance Supplies    1,668.90 80457
Bremer Cardmember Services Sup-Amb/St/Wtr, License Renew, T&T    4,664.73 80458
Brian Jespersen Police Benefit       150.00 80459
Brian Youso Police Benefit       150.00 80460
Bronko Nagurski Foundation Appropriation 2025    4,000.00 80461
Capitol Hill Associates Inc Representation MN State Legislative    2,000.00 80462
Cenex Voyageur Fleet Gas-Pol/St/Amb/Fire/Hzmt/Strm Sew    4,802.10 80463
CherryRoad Media Inc Council Mtg Dates/Min/Ad/Ord/Proc    2,628.98 80464
Chocolate Moose Restaurant Co Crew Meals         49.53 80465
Citizens for Backus/AB Lease Agreement-Suite 305    6,446.33 80466
City of Int’l Falls-Fund 401 Water/Sewer Funds Transfer  66,666.66 80467
City of Int’l Falls-Fund 403 Water/Sewer Funds Transfer  29,166.67 80468
City of Ranier Annual State Test Fee/City Beach         22.22 80469
Department of Human Services 2025 Ambulance Supply Payment    1,718.00 80470
Earl F Andersen M&R-Street       132.45 80471
Electric Pump Inc M&R-San Sew       917.04 80472
Emergency Apparatus Maint Inc Parts-Rural Truck 2       289.90 80473
Enterprise FM Trust Vehicle Leases  17,696.57 80474
ESX Technology Solutions, LLC VPN Access         97.50 80475
Falls License Bureau 2025 Mack Truck #2513  13,670.44 80476
First Independent Bank Interest-GO Water Rev Note Series  12,159.00 80477
Friend’s Garbage Monthly Garbage Service    1,967.36 80478
Frontier Monthly Telephone Service    2,701.72 80479
Gall’s Clothing-Hulst/Thram/M Gede/Offerdah    1,296.16 80480
Gopher State One-Call Monthly Billing         97.25 80481
Hasbargen Customs LLC Printing of Hi-Vis Jackets         40.00 80482
Hawkins Inc Cylinder Charges    3,964.01 80483
Hometown Billing LLC Ambulance Billing    1,736.00 80484
Hotsy Minnesota M&R-Street Lighting       183.35 80485
I-Falls Super One Foods Supplies-Street         33.78 80507
Industrial Health Sv Ntwk Inc DOT Drg Screen & MRO Services         99.80 80486
Innovative Office Solutions LLC Sup-Adm/Wtr Adm    1,040.65 80487
Intl Assoc of Chiefs of Police Membership Renewal       220.00 80488
Joshua Ballejo Clothing Allowance Reimbursement       410.23 80489
Kent Automotive Supplies-Safety           5.54 80490
KGHS/KSDM City Talk       150.00 80491
Koerter’s Amoco Gas-St/Pol/Wtr/St Lght/San Sew  10,428.46 80492
Lawson Products Inc Sup-Street Garage       614.84 80493
Linde Gas & Equipment Inc Oxygen-Ambulance    1,700.56 80494
LMC Insurance Trust-WC WC Deductible       500.00 80495
Logan Hulst Clothing Allowance Reimbursement       179.84 80496
LVC Inc Annual Fire Extinguisher    1,072.00 80497
Madden Galanter Hansen LLP Labor Relations Services    4,096.36 80498
Mannco Trucking Inc Unit 251 & 141, M & R-Water/Street       662.43 80499
Marco Antivirus/Microsoft Exchange       535.25 80500
Marco Technologies LLC Contract/Print/Copy-Fire/Adm/PW/Wat       167.37 80501
Melanie Clarity Sewing-Tveit/Gedde/Myers         64.00 80502
Menards International Falls Sup-Amb/Strm Sew/St/Gar/Wtr Plnt       570.93 80503
Meyers Glass M&R-Water       149.05 80504
Michael Musich Police Benefit       150.00 80505
Midco Cable-Fire Hall/Amb, Internet-Wtr Plnt       141.26 80506
Minnesota Energy Resources Utilities  14,996.85 80508
Minnesota Industries Sup-Street Dept         55.40 80509
MN Power Utilities  45,326.38 80510
MN Dept of Labor & Industry Inspection-Water Plant, Boiler-Library         50.00 80511
MN Fire Service Cert Board Firefighter II Exams         75.00 80513
Moody’s Investors Service Inc Annual Fee for EDA Bonds       500.00 80514
N Kooch Area Sanitary District Effluent/Backwash/Surcharge  79,795.08 80515
NAPA Falls Supply Sup-St Gar/Wtr Dept, Tools-St Gar    1,822.18 80516
Northern Lumber & Hardware Sup-St Gar/Str, Tools-Street/Water       222.74 80517
O’Reilly Automotive Inc M&R-Amb/Str, Sup-Gar/Wtr/Str/Amb    1,126.04 80518
Orton Oil Company Gas-Water         55.22 80519
Pace Analytical Services Inc Water Testing       600.00 80520
Pelland Welding, Inc Sup-St Gar/St Lght, M&R Equip-Str    1,501.03 80521
Pitney Bowes Reserve Acct Qtrly Lease-Inserting & Mailing       797.64 80522
Rainy Lake Oil Fuel-Street Garage       390.50 80523
Range Paper Corp Sup-St Lght         99.14 80524
Robert Heinlen Meal Allowance         10.00 80525
Ryan Hilfer Meal Allowance       149.00 80526
Shannon’s Inc M&R-Water       540.00 80527
Shred-N-Go Inc Recycling Police         83.93 80528
St Louis County Auditor Liquid Brine/Amp, 2025 Regional Fees       464.40 80529
Streicher’s Cloth-PT Patrol/G Offerdahl       453.99 80530
Terry Christie Police Benefit       150.00 80531
Todd Ojala IT Mileage Expense         26.60 80532
Tom Lynch Police Benefit       150.00 80533
Towmaster M&R-Equip         28.70 80534
Viking Industrial Center Maint-Water       140.63 80535
Watts Regulator Co M&R-Wtr Plnt    3,660.38 80536
WMG Lyfjaberg LLC Medical Director       300.00 80537
Ziegler Inc Unit 208 Parts       726.73 80538
The following checks were issued under blanket authorization:
AFLAC Supplemental Insurance       182.08 102569
American Heritage Life Ins Co Supplemental Insurance           9.64 102570
Bay Bridge Administrators LLC Supplemental Insurance       354.51 102571
Bremer Bank NA Federal Withholding  45,255.87 102572
Central Pension Fund Source A Retirement    5,190.00 102573
City of Int’l Falls HRA-Police/Fire         81.64 102574
City of Int’l Falls Health Insurance-49ers    4,207.00 102575
IAMAW District W3 Union Dues       940.00 102576
Int’l Falls Ambulance Service EMT Dues       161.00 102577
Int’l Union of Oper Engineers Union Dues       910.00 102578
Kane Kostiuk, Sec/Treas Cop Dues       140.00 102579
Law Enforcement Labor Services Union Dues       876.00 102580
MN Child Support Pmt Ctr Wage Assignment-Child Support       177.19 102581
MN Department of Revenue State Withholding SWT    8,905.47 102582
MSRS-Empower Retirement Empower Retirement    8,648.00 102583
NCPERS Minnesota PERA Life Insurance       128.00 102584
North Kooch Area Sanitary Dist Health Insurance Premiums       450.00 102585
PERA Public Employees Retirement  40,360.01 102586
United Way of NE Minnesota Inc United Way         42.00 102587


AUDIENCE: Susan Wadaga, 107 Park Avenue, stated she had sent an email to Mayor Dill, Councilors, and Administrator Bergstrom.  She thanked Administrator Bergstrom and Mayor Dill for answering her promptly.  Ms. Wadaga shared that she confirmed with the county that most of the repairs the city had concerns with at the Law Enforcement Center have been completed.  Wadaga asked the council to considered exploring the costs for the remainder of repairs at the LEC to house the Police Department.  Wadaga asked if the city has considered getting mediator to work with the county.  Wadaga noted there is not much transparency with the council working with the county, the taxpayers, and the Police Department.
  Wendy Mayer, 1001 13th Street, spoke on behalf of herself and her husband Tom Mayer as concerned citizens of International Falls regarding the council considering the Kootasca building to house the Police Department.  They both feel this is not the best use of taxpayer’s money, and that repairing the Law Enforcement Center would be a much better choice, or maybe just waiting to see if there would possibly be another building available.
  Sharon Ball, 120 Cedar Road, shared she feels the council is making decisions to spend more money that we do not have thus causing her taxes to go up 40%.  Ball is concerned that Kootasca is in a flood zone.  She also asked why the Sheriff’s Department and Police Department cannot be housed together again like they had been for many years.  Ball also asked why she is not able to find where the city employee’s salaries are listed online, “That is public information”, she stated.  Ball asked the city to slow down a bit as the new jail is 20% over budget as well.
  Joe Kantor, 1607 13th Avenue West, is wondering how the council thinks that now is the right time to be taking on a project like Kootasca.  “Now is not the time, we need to slow down and not be in such a hurry.”  Mr. Kantor also requested for the city employee salaries to be posted online for the public to see.
  Rhonda Benedix, 909 6th Street, addressed the council to ask how they can in good faith spend the taxpayer’s money, and spend millions of dollars for the school, the water plant project and now the Police Department.  “We have a poor town.  Apparently, there is not enough money for the lead pipes to be fixed and that is mandated.
  Stephen Blair, 1301 7th Avenue, asked the council where they would turn for funds if the project ran over budget?  Mr. Blair said he is scared, with the way things are being taken away from the American people every day that it will eventually impact the citizens of International Falls.  He also asked what is happening with the Bandshell after the fire?  City Administrator Bergstrom explained that the holdup is with the insurance company and the fact that when it is rebuilt it needs to be ADA compliant.
  Wayne Fuller, 1601 3rd Avenue East, questioned why the letter dated February 13, 2025, from the County was not on the agenda for discussion.  City Administrator Bergstrom stated the letter was addressed to the Mayor and herself and the Mayor could have requested the letter to be added to the agenda.  Mr. Fuller questioned how the project started out at $5M and is now down to $3M.  Councilor Holden explained that cooperation between Chief Kostiuk, Kraus Anderson and the City of International Falls, there have been reductions from the initial request.  Holden added “Potentially having city employees complete some of the work will help keep costs down”.

APPROVED the Police Department to use Smokey Bear Park for National Night Out activities from 4:00 P.M. to 7:00 P.M. on Tuesday, August 5, 2025


MOTION by Councilor Holden to approve the Police Department to use Smokey Bear Park for National Night Out activities from 4:00 P.M. to 7:00 P.M. on Tuesday, August 5, 2025.  Motion seconded by Councilor Buller and carried unanimously.



a.      APPROVED first reading of Ordinance authorizing the Housing and Redevelopment Authority in and for the City of International Falls to exercise the powers under Minnesota Statutes, Chapter 462C, on behalf of the City of International Falls




City Administrator Bergstrom explained the HRA and Fryberger Law Firm on behalf of Stone Beam Development LLC requested an issuance of conduit revenue bonds for rehabilitation of West Falls Estates not to exceed $12 million.  There would be no impact to the city’s debt services.


MOTION by Councilor Buller to approve first reading of Ordinance authorizing the Housing and Redevelopment Authority in and for the City of International Falls to exercise the powers under Minnesota Statutes, Chapter 462C, on behalf of the City of International Falls.  Motion was seconded by Councilor Wegner and carried unanimously.

b.      APPROVED moving forward with Kraus Anderson for renovation of the Kootasca Building for the Police Department MOTION by Councilor Holden to approve moving forward with Kraus Anderson for renovation of the Kootasca Building for the Police Department, for Design and Construction Services through Project Completion.


Councilor Wegner thanked Koochiching County for their letter.  He also wanted to share with the citizens how the council members came to their decision.  With the current numbers they have been given if they were to move back to the Law Enforcement Center it would cost the City of International Falls approximately $13,000/month or $159,000/year.  If they were to stay at Backus it would cost $6,400/month or $77,000/year.  To renovate and move into the Kootasca building the anticipated cost would be approximately $9,000/month or $110,000/year.  Councilor Buller stated the $110,000/year accumulates to the estimated $1.6M proposed budget for renovations of the Kootasca building.  Councilor Holden also wanted the citizens to know that the plan is to get the IFPD into the building as soon as possible by completing the roof repairs and office spaces first.


Motion carried 4-1, with Councilors Buller, Holden, Kalar, and Wegner voting “yea” and Mayor Dill voting “nay”.

c.        APPROVED a month-by-month lease renewal with Backus for the Police Department MOTION by Councilor Buller to approve a month-by-month lease renewal with Backus to house the Police Department.  Motion was seconded by Councilor Wegner and carried unanimously.
ADOPTED Resolution No. 16-2025 approving transfer of funds from Fund 250 Sales and Use Tax Fund to Fund 450 Sales Tax Construction Accounts MOTION by Councilor Kalar to adopt Resolution No. 16-2025 approving transfer of funds from Fund 250 Sales and Use Tax Fund to Fund 450 Sales Tax Construction Accounts.  Motion seconded by Councilor Holden and carried unanimously.
APPROVED Order of Removal or Repair in the Matter of Hazardous Building located at 2210 3rd Avenue W City Attorney Nelson stated the order for removal of building at 2210 3rd Avenue West was approved July 15, 2024, quotes were received but lost track of the file.  Nelson requested approval to get new quotes for the removal.


MOTION by Councilor Buller to approve the order of removal or repair in the matter of Hazardous Building located at 2210 3rd Avenue W.  Motion seconded by Councilor Wegner.


Mayor Dill asked if the Public Works department could demo the building as they have done in the past.  Councilors Kalar, Wegner, and Administrator Bergstrom all agreed that it is a “time” issue, but it could certainly be looked in to with Public Works Director.


Councilor Buller changed his motion to ask Public Works if they could remove the hazardous building first.  If they could not do the removal than go out for quotes.  Motion was seconded by Councilor Kalar and carried unanimously.

APPROVED letter of support for the Voyageur Country ATV Club’s Federal Recreational Trail Program, 2025 Trail Grant Application ATV Club Member Ricky Roche asked for a letter of support for the Federal Recreational Trail Program, 2025 Trail Grant Application.  Grant funds would be used to create a trail to connect the communities of Kabetogama and Ray.


MOTION by Councilor Holden to approve letter of support for the Voyageur Country ATV Club’s Federal Recreational Trail Program, 2025 Trail Grant Application.  Motion was seconded by Councilor Buller and carried unanimously.

Other Business: None.
Reports of the Administrator, Attorney, and Department Heads None.
Reports of Mayor and Council Committees None.
AUDIENCE Susan Wadaga, 107 Park Avenue, asked if a project of $1.6M in size can be done in part by Public Works department.
  Rhonda Benedix, 909 6th Street, addressed Councilor Holden and said, “No one in this room is saying that the Police Department is not doing a good job.”  This meeting is about the council representing the city, not just the Police Department.  Councilor Holden stated he supports all departments.  It is very important to him to keep taxes down by pursuing the most cost effect solution.  Mayor Dill advised her to reach out to the councilors and himself with any concerns.
  Sheryl Christianson, 604 6th Street, asked the council what the citizen are supposed to believe when they hear the Kootasca building project will cost $5M, then $3M, and now $1.6M.  “You can say you are going to keep it low. Good luck. It will cost you more than you think.”
  Stephen Blair, 1301 7th Avenue, wanted to confirm with Councilor Wegner that the $110,000/year was based on the $1.6M project.  Councilor Wegner confirmed it was based on $1.6M.
ADJOURNMENT The next regular City Council meeting is scheduled for Monday, March 3, 2025, at 5:30 P.M.  Mayor Dill adjourned the meeting at 6:52 P.M.


Drake Dill, Mayor



Betty Bergstrom, City Administrator

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