March 3, 2025 City Council Minutes

A regular meeting of the City Council of the City of International Falls, Minnesota was held in the Council Chambers of the Municipal Building on the 3rd day of March 2025 at the hour of 5:30 P.M.

MEMBERS PRESENT:  Mayor Dill and Councilors Holden and Wegner.  Councilor Kalar arrived at 5:33 P.M.

MEMBERS ABSENT:  Councilor Buller

APPROVED agenda as presented with an addition MOTION by Councilor Holden to approve the agenda as presented with the following addition:

·         Approve Americas Best Value Inn & Suites restaurant license.

Motion seconded by Councilor Wegner and carried unanimously.

APPROVED minutes of the Tuesday, February 18, 2025, regular City Council meeting


MOTION by Councilor Wegner to approve the meeting minutes of Tuesday, February 18, 2025, regular City Council meeting.  Motion seconded by Councilor Holden    and carried unanimously.
ADOPTED Resolution No. 17-2025 approving transfers, payment of claims, and accounts payable MOTION by Councilor Holden to adopt Resolution No. 17-2025 approving transfers, payment of claims, and accounts payable.  Motion seconded by Councilor Wegner and carried unanimously.


Ace Industrial Supply Inc Tools-St Garage        245.99 80553
Aluminum Cabinet Co V-Nose Trailer Cabinets     4,877.21 80554
Amazon Capital Services Automation-Fire, Sup-IT, Clean-Amb        446.55 80555
American Water Works Assoc Membership Dues        252.00 80556
Ameritas Life Ins. Corp Dental Insurance Premiums     1,724.28 80557
Anderson Law Offices, P.A. Legal Services-Criminal & Civil Matter     9,715.00 80558
BCBS of Mn Health Insurance Premiums     5,113.79 80559
Bob Lowth Ford, Inc Amb 15-06 Repairs     6,686.36 80561
Bolton & Menk Inc Engineering Services 111,167.00 80562
Border Boxes Shipping-Str Light/Ambulance          53.50 80563
Borderland Humane Society Pound Operation     2,250.00 80564
Bound Tree Medical LLC Ambulance Supplies        969.78 80565
Chelsea Nelson Training-Travel Expense        777.00 80566
City of Int’l Falls-Fund 101 Lodging Tax Transfer        593.38 80567
City Water Department City Buildings-Water Usage     1,986.79 80568
CMI Inc DMT Mouthpieces          82.24 80569
Convention & Visitors Bureau Lodging Tax   11,274.24 80570
Core & Main Sup-Grounds, Meters     2,441.51 80571
Drake Dill Mileage Reimbursement          37.10 80572
Elizabeth Lorenz Healthcare Virtual Conference          25.00 80573
ESX Technology Solutions, LLC IT Service          48.75 80574
Frontier Monthly Telephone Service        874.64 80575
Gall’s Clothing-Tveit/Myer/Fire Gen        303.06 80576
Grand Forks Fire Equip LLC Sup-Ambulance        358.40 80577
Graybar Sup-St Lighting        192.49 80578
H & L Mesabi Parts-Street     4,025.00 80579
Hasbargen Customs LLC Promotional Items        170.00 80580
Hawkins Inc Cylinder Charges        100.00 80581
HERO 247 Police Clothing        181.35 80582
Hitesman Law, P.A. Legal Services     2,250.00 80583
Hook & Book/Roche’s Towing Towing-Police Dept        200.00 80584
I-Falls Super One Foods Supplies-Street            8.94 80601
Innovative Office Solutions LLC Sup-Administration        102.38 80585
Int’l Falls/Kooch Cty City Share February 2025        825.00 80586
Island Lake Transport Inc Account Deposit Refund          20.00 80587
IUEO Local 49 Health Insurance Premiums   31,507.00 80588
Jorson & Carlson Co Ice Scraper Knives Cleaned/Sharpen        246.76 80589
Kelly Meyers ICC Region 3 Meal Allowance        329.00 80590
Kooch Co Env Services Dept Ice Shelter            6.00 80591
League of Minnesota Cities Online Training-Police     1,260.00 80592
Little Falls Machine Unit 143 Parts        151.44 80593
LMC Insurance Trust-Liab Annual Liability and Auto Insurance 202,424.00 80594
Locality Media Inc  dba First Due CAD Integration        840.00 80595
Marco Technologies LLC Contract/Print/Copy- Fire/Adm/PW     1,722.82 80596
Medicare Ambulance Overpymt-Refund     3,075.23 80597
MedicareBlue RX Health Insurance Premiums     2,106.00 80598
Menards International Falls Sup-Street          17.34 80599
Midco Cable-Fire Hall/Amb, Internet-Wtr Plnt        607.91 80600
Minnesota Dept of Health State Test Fee     6,400.00 80602
Minnesota Energy Resources Utilities     5,585.57 80603
Minnesota Industries Sup-St Garage/Storm, Tools-St Garage        179.15 80604
Minnesota Safety Council Membership Dues        665.00 80605
MN Power Utilities     1,125.39 80606
North American Bank Company Inserting System Lease        181.75 80607
Northland Securities Inc Utility Study     3,575.00 80608
PowerPlan Unit 672G Repairs        560.53 80609
Rainy Lake Medical Center Medical Supplies        561.25 80610
Range Paper Corp Sup-Str/Fire/VNP/Bldgs     2,194.25 80611
Ronning’s Clothing-Kasten          70.00 80612
ServiceMaster of Intl Falls Cleaning Services-VNP     4,961.25 80613
Sirchie Acquisition Company LLC Evidence Collection Supp        137.44 80614
Stepp Mfg SPHD Dump Premix Heater   50,052.00 80615
Steve Boyum Equipment Rental     1,125.00 80616
Streicher’s Clothing-PT Patrol        224.99 80617
Sun Life Financial Life Insurance Premiums        581.38 80618
Taylor’s Plumbing & Heating LLC Bldg Maint-Chamber Bldg/City Garage        534.45 80619
The Nelson Trust Health Insurance Premiums   44,837.76 80620
UHL Company Inc Bldg Maint-VNP        424.00 80621
Verizon Monthly Cellular Service     1,968.78 80622
Vestis Cleaning Services     1,305.47 80623
Volunteer Firefighters’ Firefighters Insurance     1,060.00 80624
WEX Bank Gas-St/Gar/Amb/NVP/Pol/Hous/P&R     3,101.12 80625
Ziegler Inc Unit 121-Parts          80.39 80626
The following checks were issued under blanket authorization:
AFLAC Supplemental Insurance        182.08 102588
American Heritage Life Ins Co Supplemental Insurance            9.64 102589
Bay Bridge Administrators LLC Supplemental Insurance        354.51 102590
Bremer Bank NA Federal Withholding   45,197.55 102591
Central Pension Fund Source A Retirement     5,198.40 102592
IF Fire Dept Relief Volunteer Firemen Dues        420.00 102593
Intl Falls Ambulance Service EMT Dues        168.00 102594
Kane Kostiuk, Sec/Treas Cop Dues        140.00 102595
MN Child Support Pmt Ctr Wage Assignment-Child Support        177.19 102596
MN Department of Revenue State Withholding SWT     8,842.68 102597
MSRS-Empower Retirement Empower Retirement     8,698.00 102598
PERA Public Employees Retirement   39,237.32 102599
Sun Life Financial Supplemental Life Insurance        959.85 102600
The Hartford V-LTD Voluntary LTD Insurance        804.79 102601
United Way of NE Minnesota Inc United Way          42.00 102602


AUDIENCE: Austin and Tom Schaaf, 432 Shorewood Drive, and Eldon Voigt of 2216 Crabtree Blvd, wanted to bring attention to the intersection of 11/71 and Shorewood Drive stating it is a very dangerous intersection with the increased traffic to Tractor Supply and Super One.  The corner sign at Hardees and Shorewood Drive states, “DO NOT BLOCK THE INTERSECTION”.  Schaaf suggested a stop sign be placed there instead.  Mr. Voigt stated an engineer should be able to come up with a safer solution.  Mayor Dill stated he would add to the Public Works meeting on March 10, 2025, for further discussion.
  Rhonda Benedix, 909 6th Street, approached the Mayor and Council announcing this is her second council meeting in her lifetime.  She shared how upset she is with the way she is being treated as a city taxpayer.  Being called inappropriate names and the use of vulgar profanity into the microphone is not ok and she feels she deserves an apology.  Ms. Benedix stated, “The council is elected by the people to represent the taxpayers, we pay your salaries, and they are embarrassing.”
  Bill Valentine, 1504 5th Ave E, read a letter written by Wayne Fuller of 1601 3rd Ave E to Mayor Dill and the Council.  Mr. Fuller felt the facts were misrepresented at the February 18, 2025, meeting and had additional questions regarding where the information came from on the condition of the LEC, which Council members toured the facility, and what is the debt service for the $1.95 million.  In the letter Mr. Fuller asked the council to consider rescinding the original motion and have it read ‘Motion to move forward with Kraus Anderson on Phase 1 of the Kootasca building not to exceed $1.6 million dollars.”  Mr. Fuller and I thank you for your time, said Mr. Valentine.
  Stephen Blair, 1301 7th Ave expressed his concerns with the reconstruction of the Kootasca building for the Police Department.  There is a pile of rubble from a basketball court by his home that has not been taken care of and has led to a lot of vandalism and trouble in his neighborhood.  Mayor Dill reminded Mr. Blair that the IFPD is a great team and to please reach out to Chief Kostiuk with his concerns regarding the vandalism.
  Ed Bates, 108 Riverview Blvd asked if he could ask a question of the IT Administrator Todd Ojala.  He stated that he had a copy of the owner’s manual of the same video camera being used to record the city council meetings.  He asked Mr. Ojala if when the external microphone is plugged in, is the on-board microphone off?  Mr. Ojala said, “Yes.”  City Attorney Nelson stated testing was done throughout the room where they whispered, and the mics did pick up the whispering.   Nelson explained it is a single-track system, not an individual system where all is saved as one.
  Joe Kantor, 1607 13th Ave, addressed the Mayor and Council regarding the city utilizing their own Master Electrician for a portion of the work at the Kootasca building, questioning who would be responsible for insuring him.  Councilor Holden assured Kantor that the city takes care of the insurance.
  Sharon Ball, 120 Cedar Road stated at her first council meeting she attended it was a challenging experience.  She had been “attacked” by vandals who were cutting branches off from trees by City Hall, she reported the incident to the police, followed the proper channels and wanted the public to know she did things right.  Ball also stressed taxpayers can only afford so much.
  Reynold Calder, 1901 6th Ave E addressed the Mayor and Council regarding the comments he shared in the Rainy Lake Gazette.  He shared information of a study that had been conducted in Delmar, CA in 2015.  A community with an average income of $145,000.00 with a construction of a stand-alone Police Department.  Mr. Calder gathered information of our local law enforcement, our Police Department has 14 officers and 10 vehicles, and the Sherrif’s Department has 12 officers and 12 vehicles.  What the police department is asking for seems a bit inflated, yet a walk about at the Kootasca site certainly doesn’t qualify as a $5M decision, with the shape the building is in.  “There are 60 windows alone that need to be replaced with bullet proof glass, that is expensive”, states Mr. Calder.  Calder asked the Council to rescind their decision and rethink this.  This is not a good choice!  Mr. Calder thanked Administrator Bergstrom and Police Chief Kostiuk for their help with the information and numbers he needed to put together his data.

APPROVED second and final reading of Ordinance No. 58, 5th Series authorizing the Housing and Redevelopment Authority in and for the City of International Falls to exercise the powers under Minnesota Statutes, Chapter 462C, on behalf of the City of International Falls


MOTION by Councilor Wegner to approve second and final reading of the Ordinance No. 58, 5th Series authorizing the Housing and Redevelopment Authority in and for the City of International Falls to exercise the powers under Minnesota Statutes, Chapter 462C, on behalf of the City of International Falls.  Motion seconded by Councilor Holden    and carried unanimously.


APPROVED use of Irvin N. Anderson Amphitheater for the Riverfest Concert sponsored by Backus Community Center in conjunction with the International Falls Fourth of July celebration


MOTION by Councilor Kalar to approve use of Irvin N. Anderson Amphitheater for the Riverfest Concert sponsored by Backus Community Center in conjunction with the International Falls Fourth of July celebration.  Motion seconded by Councilor Wegner and carried unanimously.

ADOPTED of Resolution No. 18-2025 application for exempt permit for the Rocky Mountain Elk Foundation, Ash River Trail to conduct a raffle MOTION by Councilor Holden to adopt Resolution No. 18-2025 an application for exempt permit for the Rocky Mountain Elk Foundation, Ash River Trail to conduct a raffle, with the drawing to be held at the Backus Community Center on April 4, 2025.  Motion seconded by Councilor Kalar and carried unanimously.
ADOPTED Resolution No. 19-2025 application and permit for a 1 day to 4 day temporary on-sale liquor license application and permit for the St. Thomas Aquinas Catholic School in connection with the St. Thomas Aquinas School Gala MOTION by Councilor Wegner to adopt Resolution No. 19-2025 application and permit for a 1 day to 4 day temporary on-sale liquor license application and permit for the St. Thomas Aquinas Catholic School in connection with the St. Thomas Aquinas School Gala on Friday, May 2, 2025.  Motion seconded by Councilor Holden and carried unanimously.
APPROVED continued participation in the Northeast Minnesota HOME Consortium Joint Powers Agreement MOTION by Councilor Kalar to approve continued participation in the Northeast Minnesota HOME Consortium Joint Powers Agreement.  Motion seconded by Councilor Wegner and carried unanimously.
APPROVED International Union of Operating Engineers, Local #49 Collective Bargaining Agreement 2025 – 2027 with the Public Works and Administrative Office Staff MOTION by Councilor Holden to approve International Union of Operating Engineers, Local #49 Collective Bargaining Agreement 2025 – 2027 with the Public Works and Administrative Office Staff.  Motion seconded by Councilor Wegner and carried unanimously.
APPROVED letter of congratulations for Maci Rousseau who received honorable mention in the Mayor for a Day Essay Contest held by the League of Minnesota Cities MOTION by Councilor Kalar to approve letter of congratulations for Maci Rousseau who received honorable mention in the Mayor for a Day Essay Contest held by the League of Minnesota Cities.  Motion seconded by Councilor Wegner and carried unanimously.
APPROVED submitting for Community Project Funding Mayor Dill explained that US Representative Stauber shared $3-5M is available to apply for through the Community Project Funding.  Mayor Dill expressed his hope and goal is to apply for the Water Treatment Plant, by applying the City of International Falls could be granted the difference we need to complete the project.


MOTION by Councilor Wegner to approve submitting for Community Project Funding to Congressman Stauber’s Office.  Motion seconded by Councilor Holden and carried unanimously.

APPROVED to move consideration of demolition cost report to the public works meeting Mayor Dill asked for a motion to move the discussion of demolition cost report to the Public Works Meeting.


MOTION by Councilor Kalar to move consideration of the demolition cost report to the next Public Works meeting scheduled for March 10, 2025.  Motion seconded by Councilor Holden and carried unanimously.

APPROVED Americas Best Value Inn & Suites restaurant license MOTION by Councilor Wegner to approve Americas Best Value Inn & Suites restaurant license.  Motion seconded by Councilor Holden and carried unanimously.
Other Business: None.
Reports of the Administrator, Attorney, and Department Heads None.
Reports of Mayor and Council Committees None.
AUDIENCE Sharon Ball, 120 Cedar Road address the council regarding fireworks on the 4th of July celebration with her dog kennel business.  She also asked what options citizens have if they need support in the community when they do not feel comfortable with the Police Department.  Mayor Dill offered her to contact the City Attorney Chelsea Nelson, City Administrator Betty Bergstrom, Police Chief Kostiuk, or himself.  Chief Kostiuk offered if she does not feel comfortable at the local level of the IFPD she can reach out to the Minnesota Post Board.  Ms. Ball’s last question was is there going to be a cost analysis done on the Law Enforcement Center as an option for the Police Department.  Mayor Dill answered no, as the council voted to move forward to seek out the Kootasca building as an option.
  Joe Kantor, 1607 13th Ave, inquired about the sewer project that has been planned to start next year in Stenberg Addition.  Mayor Dill and Councilor Kalar are both on the Public Works Committee and shared that the desire is to complete as many projects as they can.
  Stephen Blair, 1301 7th Ave asked what is wrong with the LEC building?  Can there possibly be a cost analysis done of what the Police Department wants and needs?
  Reynold Calder, 1901 6th Ave E addressed the Mayor and Council requesting a cost analysis.  Calder asked who is requesting 10,000 square feet.


Police Chief Kostiuk joined Mr. Calder and explained that two studies were completed one by Kraus Anderson and one by BKV Group Inc.  Kostuik stated no money has been spent yet or approved to be spent.  The costs are only being looked at.  “The only thing that has been approved is for Kraus-Anderson to look at the building and give us an estimate” stated Kostiuk.


Mayor Dill asked for a motion from the council to rescind their decision.  No motion was made.

  Lawrence Mickas, 901 8th Street contested the idea of a police department needing 13,000 square feet.  Has Kootasca been asked if all these renovations can be done?  Mayor Dill informed him that the building belongs to the City of International Falls. Mr. Mickas stated that the price the citizens are being asked to pay for the renovations should be put towards putting up a new steel building instead.
  Dennis Monrean, 1902 Main Ave addressed the Mayor and council to please reconsider the Kootasca building project.  “Please try to understand and listen to the citizens that the project will not end up being the $1.6M as you are saying, you all know it will be the $5M”.
  Bill Valentine, 1504 5th Ave E stated concerns of the $1.6M from Kraus-Anderson, you all know that is not accurate.  Mr. Valentine asked, “How can you make an honest decision on that kind of money?  Would you hire someone to put new windows in your house for $10,000.00 and it ends up costing you $50,000.00?  No, you would not” He asked them to please rescind their decision and give the citizens an honest dollar figure.
  Rhonda Benedix, 909 6th Street proceeded to question Councilor Wegner why he thinks the Kootasca building will be the cheapest option.  Koochiching County Commissioner Roche confirmed the utilities will be paid at the LEC and Kootasca by the taxpayers regardless of where the law enforcement departments are housed or if the buildings are empty.  So, it will not be cheaper.
  Glenn Davis, 1702 15th Ave addressed the Mayor and Council on behalf of himself and his wife Kathi asking them to please reconsider the Kootasca project until they can present the citizens of International Falls with a more solid and firm number of what the cost will be for the renovations for the Police Department building.  Mr. Davis expressed that when an analysis is done the taxpayers get a presentation on a spread sheet of the expenditures.  Mayor Dill offered that going forward all expenditures will be offered to the citizens.
  Emma Rud, Finance Officer, updated citizens on the Kootasca project, explaining that Kraus-Anderson was approved to perform the design and construction services.  Ms. Rud noted that there was confusion about City staff doing some of the work on the project and clarified that while staff may do some smaller things on the project to save on costs, it was not how the project costs were lowered down to $1.6 million for Phase 1.  Ms. Rud noted that the City and Kraus-Anderson arrived at the $1.6 million budget figure after the scope was revised for the project.  Ms. Rud stated that the project has not been bid out and the funds have not been expended.  This project will have to come back before the City Council after the design is finalized in order for the project to continue moving forward.  Ms. Rud also explained that regardless of whether or not the IFPD chooses to lease space in the Law Enforcement Center (LEC), it is believed the County has other uses for that space within the County including their own Highway Department.
ADJOURNMENT Mayor Dill reminded everyone of an Open House for the Housing Development Concepts on Thursday, March 6, 2025, from 6:00 P.M. to 7:30 City Hall.  Also, an Open House on Thursday, March 13, 2025, for the Water Treatment Plan Rehabilitation Project from 5:00 P.M. to 7:00 P.M. also at City Hall.  And lastly, the next regular City Council meeting is scheduled for Monday, March 17, 2025, at 5:30 P.M.  Mayor Dill adjourned the meeting at 7:34 P.M.


Drake Dill, Mayor



Betty Bergstrom, City Administrator

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