Request for Quotes Notice for Demolition and Removal of Structures

Request for Quotes

The City of International Falls is seeking quotes from local qualified contractors for the demolition and removal of 2 single family residential structures within the City of International Falls. A qualified contractor is one that has the equipment necessary to complete the work in a timely fashion and be currently licensed for 2021 with the City of International Falls. Each structure will be awarded separately, contractors wishing to provide a quote for both structures must return 2 individual quotes labeled #1 and #2. The awarded contractor(s) is/are responsible for complete building demolition, removal of the foundation, removal of any concrete steps, stoops, and sidewalks, removal of all debris including tipping fees, mobilization expenses, and provide backfill and leveling of lot to the satisfaction of the City. The City will be responsible for the removal or abandonment of water and sewer lines. Information packets can be picked up at the International Falls Building Department in City Hall, 600 4th Street, International Falls, MN.

The City of International Falls reserves the right to refuse any and all quotes.

Quotes are to be submitted no later than 4:00 p.m. on March 10th, 2021

Quotes will be awarded and approved at the March 15th, 2021 Regular City Council Meeting.

Demolition Property Information

Property #1

  • 900 11th Street
  • Parcel ID # 92-007-85090
  • Complete demolition and removal of house

Property #2

  • 1531 2nd Avenue East
  • Parcel ID # 92-120-03170
  • Complete demolition and removal of house and garage


600 Fourth Street
International Falls, Minnesota 56649
Telephone (218) 283-9073
Fax (218) 283-9151
Adam C. Mannausau

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